Monday, August 11, 2008

Temporary Certificate of Occupancy

This past Friday the Brooks School New Science Center was granted a temp. C/O. This means that the electrical, plumbing, gas, and building inspector all signed off on the building and now teachers are allowed to move into it. However the building is not quite yet finally complete. Final painting is going on all this week along with the finishing touches on the cabinetry work. Also the terrazzo stairs need to be installed, TVs need to be mounted, and furniture needs to be shipped. Anything else that needs to be completed will be done so on the punchlist. A punchlist is a list of items that are damaged, scratched, not properly installed, broken, etc. First the superintendent of the job will make his punchlist, then the architect and owner will review it, make any revisions, and create a final punchlist which will then get fixed.

Look for pictures, and more updates coming later on this week!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

New Pictures

Roof Walkway Pavers

Greenroof Pictures

Whiteboards Installed

Its getting down to crunch time at the new science building. With the building nearing completion there are over 100 people working in there each day. The fence surrounding the job site has been taken down permanatly, which is a sign of major progress. Also the roof walkway was laid down this week. Each paver of the walkway sits on a plastic supporting cylinder approximately three inches off the actual roof. The terrazzo flooring was poured in the first floor hallways and atrium last week and will be grinded and polished this coming week. As far as the classrooms go the casework, lights, whiteboards, fume hoods, ceilings, shades, clocks, and flooring are all installed in the majority of them. Other finishing touches are being completed within the building.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Some Pictures 7/10

Some Pictures
The Desktops And Seat Frames For The Seminar Room

Whisper Walls In The Seminar Room

Casework Partially Completed In The 2nd Floor Classrooms

Update 7/10/2008

The Brooks School New Science Center has been moving along this summer. With the Certificate of Occupancy scheduled for August 5, the building and all of its construction is heading into crunch time. Many major milestones in the job will be completed within the next few weeks. Some of these milestones include finishing the ceilings in the 1st and 2nd floor hallways, completion of the casework in both the 1st and 2nd floor classrooms, and terrazzo (flooring) being poured on the 1st floor. By the end of this week the terrazzo flooring will be poured and the seminar room seating will be installed. The seminar room has been occupied all week with the installation of the seats and desktops. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow the seats will be installed. Also access to the 1st floor has been limited due to the floor prepping for the terrazzo that is being poured this weekend. Other milestones that have recently been completed on the job has been the planting and installation of the paver-walkway on the green roof, installation of the rubber floors in the classroom and the installation of the ceilings in all the classrooms. I will try to update twice a week on the progress of the building along with pictures of how the building is coming along.